Executive Decision Maker - 1.0 - 7/11/91 ---------------------------------------- Two versions were distributed: One includes Visual Basic source code, the other does not. The same text file is included with both. By Mike Mezaros --------------- Released into the Public Domain. -------------------------------- Remember those things that looked like pool balls, but would answer any yes or no question with a witty response when you shook them? Or those electronic versions that they still sell at Radio Shack ("makes a perfect gift")? Well, this is a Windows program that does the same thing. What prompted me to write this stupid little program? Well, I'm a firm believer in shareware. I believe that shareware shouldn't be nagware (according to the ASP guidelines). But I also believe that shareware SHOULDN'T be some stupid, little program that took you less than an hour to write -- unless it truly fills a void. The only void that this program fills is some space on your hard disk. Releasing a program like this as shareware, and asking for a registration fee, no matter how small, would be an insult to the user. And since the code itself isn't exactly revolutionary either, I've released both the source code and the .EXE file into the public domain. But not everyone has the same beliefs as I do, which brings us back to why I wrote this program. I recently found a program that was very similar to this one (even written in the same language). The author asked for a small registration fee -- despite the fact that the requested fee was tiny, I find any request to be absolutely outrageous for a program of this scope. So I decided to spend half my lunch hour writing an equivalent program for all to use without charge. To the author of the other program, if you're out there: I don't mean this as a personal attack. But, hey, let's be realistic here. You don't have to throw a beg into every little hack you write, just in case one or two losers will actually throw you a bone. It makes you, and the many other authors who do it, look bad. For Those With Source Code -------------------------- The source code features an example of how to make a flashing title bar. It also features GoTo and GoSub statements and routines. I know, I know, most people don't reccomend using these in most situations (this program included). There are often better ways to handle the situation. But there are some cases where they do come in handy, so I used this program to figure out exactly how they work in Visual Basic. If You Don't Own Visual Basic ----------------------------- This program doesn't require that you own Visual Basic, just Windows. But in order to run it, you need the Visual Basic run-time file VBRUN100.DLL. This is free, and widely available. If you have access to CompuServe, it is available in the Microsoft Languages Forum (GO MSLANG) in Library #6 as VBRUN.ZIP. On GEnie, it is in the IBM PC RoundTable (IBMPC) as VBRUN.ZIP. Contacting The Author --------------------- FidoNet FidoMail, Mike Mezaros: Node 1:107/331 FoReM-Net E-Mail, Mike Mezaros: Node 593 GEnie via Z*Net Publishing: Z-NET CompuServe via Z*Net Publishing: 75300,1642 InterNet via Z*Net Publishing: 75300,1642@compuserve.com Z*Net 24-Hour BBS: (908)-968-8148 >>WARNING<< ------------ At some unknown point in time, the entire universe, including this program, will collapse into itself. A new universe will then develop, and it cannot be guaranteed that this program will exist in that new universe. ----------------end-of-author's-documentation------------ Software Library Information: This disk copy provided as a service of The Public (software) Library We are not the authors of this program, nor are we associated with the author in any way other than as a distributor of the program in accordance with the author's terms of distribution. Please direct shareware payments and specific questions about this program to the author of the program, whose name appears elsewhere in this documentation. If you have trouble getting in touch with the author, we will do whatever we can to help you with your questions. All programs have been tested and do run. To report problems, please use the form that is in the file PROBLEM.DOC on many of our disks or in other written format with screen printouts, if possible. The PsL cannot de-bug programs over the telephone. Disks in the PsL are updated monthly, so if you did not get this disk directly from the PsL, you should be aware that the files in this set may no longer be the current versions. For a copy of the latest monthly software library newsletter and a list of the 3,000+ disks in the library, call or write: The Public (software) Library P.O.Box 35705 Houston, TX 77235-5705 Orders ONLY: 1-800-242-4775 Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover Tech Support and Info: 1-713-524-6394 PsL also has an outstanding catalog for the Macintosh!